Apr 24, 2018
Elizabeth | Graduation | University of South Alabama
Elizabeth Holada is such a vibrant, outgoing person and her delightful personality translates perfectly into her graduation photos! Not to m
Dec 9, 2017
Cara | Graduation | University of South Alabama
Graduation sessions are some of my absolute favorites, and Cara White's was no exception! Cara is graduating from the University of Sout
Oct 10, 2017
One Year of Ann Sinclair Photography | Smoke Bombs | Mobile, Alabama
"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."
A year ago today I officially launched Ann Sinclair Photography. Wow
May 5, 2017
Jennifer | Graduation | University of South Alabama
From the moment she asked me to take her graduation photos, Jennifer Byrne was full of excitement and ideas for our session, and I knew that
May 2, 2017
Anastasia | Graduation | University of South Alabama
With her lively personality, blue hair, and hooping skills, Anastasia Tease brought such a fun, cool vibe with her to our session! When she
Apr 29, 2017
Mandy | Graduation | University of South Alabama
I was very excited when Mandy Sherrill, a good friend of mine, asked me to take her University of South Alabama graduation photos! Even at 6
Apr 10, 2017
Victoria | Graduation | University of South Alabama
I love how photography allows me to capture the celebratory occasions in life--you can especially see the happiness on the faces of graduati
Dec 8, 2016
Erica | Graduation | University of South Alabama
For Erica Eversole's graduation photos, we started at the water fountains at the University of South Alabama's bell tower, an iconic
Oct 15, 2016
Sandra | Portraits | Oregon, California, Arizona
Subscribe to my blog and follow @annsinclairphoto on instagram to see more of my upcoming work!
Oct 10, 2016
Tabby | Portraits + Resume Photos | Mobile, Alabama
Subscribe to my blog and follow @annsinclairphoto on instagram to see more of my upcoming work!